Vol 38 issue 1 © FOW PO Box 932 Newport, Rhode Island 02840
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Vol 37 issue 1 © FOW PO Box 932 Newport, Rhode Island 02840
READ MOREFirst Major city wide Harbor Walk Orgainzational Meeting scheduled. FoW Promotes Waterfront ‘Adopt a Spot’ Featuring Point Association work at Van Zandt Pier. FoW Guardians report on 6 shoreline problem areas.
Newport City Council Just Walks Away from Cliff Walk!
City Tries to Launch Waterfront Management Plan, Foundation for Newport Sets $20M Waterfront Plan.
CRMC Upset at Newport’s Inaction… Tells City to Get a Waterfront Mangagement Plan!!! FoW Continues Bike Tours.
To print a copy of the Original Bike Tour use these links to the jpg files.
Newport Bicycle Task Force and FoW Set Up First Waterfront Bike Tour. Quaterly Update: FoW Offers to Pay for Ann St. Pier Safety Review., Elizabeth Meyers Buys Site for IYRS. Problems Surface at Waites Wharf.
FoW’s First Ten Year Plan for Harbor Walk; and Launcing the First Harbor Walk Coalition Meeting
Strong Program of Activities and Objectives Set for Year, Battle to Keep Ann St. Pier for Landside Walking Use Launched.
Our Mary… 1928 – 1994; City Council Stalls Brown and Howard Case, Kicks it up to Superior Court
In Response to FoW’s Referendum, City Council Passes Waterfront Public Streets and Rights of Way Ordinance! FoW Objects to ‘Long Wharf Marina.”
FoW Announces that its Campaign for Referendum Petition to Get Rights of Way Protection on Ballot has 2100 Signatures and Qualifies for the Ballot!
FoW Starts Campaign to Enforce RI’s Public Trust Doctrine that Mandates that Shoreline Below the Mean-High-Tide Line is Public Property. FoW Starts Campaign for Referendum Petition to Get Rights of Way Protection on Ballot.
RI Supreme Court Decides All Filled Tidall Land is “Public Property.” RI Legislature Tries to Modify Ruling Fails. FoW Starts Campaign to Ensure Fishermen Get Decent Place for Their Boats. Photos of Long Wharf 1911 and 1952.
Complete Explanation of RI’s Public Trust Doctrine. Pres. Ferrazzoli Receives Save the Bay Environmental Achievement Award.
RI Supreme Court Affirms Submerged Tidal and Navigable Waters Owned by State and Held in Trust for the Public. FoW Membership Hits 1200.
Our Second Annual Waterfront Walk Promotion Newsletter
Seven “Hot Spots” Where Waterfront Developers Work Hard Against Established Public Access.
City’ Fails to Protect Public Ownership of Washington St. Pier. FoW’s Case Against Brown and Howard Explained.
First FoW Waterfront Walk Including a Map of Highlights.
What FoW Stands For and Why!
30Ft. Rights of Way Were Established in 1739 and Protected by City Council’s for 250 Years, But Will it End? And Will CRMC Follow Its Own Regulation that All Buildings Must Have a 50ft. Setback from Coastal Waters?
FoW’s Attorney Violet Upsets CRMC’s Rubber Stamp Subcommittee in Brown and Howard Condo Development Proposal. FoW leads fight to prevent Planned Unit Developments under which the City Council could allow developers to bypass zoning, planning and other normal hearings.
Violet continues actions against CRMC. Sen. Pell asked Army Corps of Engineers to check out the Brown and Howard Plan. FoW gets CRMC to designate 3 more Rights of Way. FoW supports the ‘Maritime Zone’ plan.
City Council Flunks on 1988 Waterfront Planning and Protection. FoW calls for everyone to help save public access on waterfront; hires Arlene Violet to sue CRMC for not hearing FoW testimony in Brown and Howard condo filing.
Pres. Ferrazolli Earns Perservation Society Award; CRMC Subcommittee Rules to Ignore FoW Testimony
FoW Targets City Council’s Mismanagement in Negotiations on Brown and Howard Wharf St. City Council Waffles with CRMC Hearings.
US Supreme Court Decides Coastal States Can Claim Title to All Lands Affected by Tides. Some Other Signs that Some Government Groups are Starting to Understand.
Five Photos of How Public Rights of Way Were Misused; FoW Fights Against Waterfront Chaos.
FoW Gets First 10 Streets Designated CRMC Rights of Way.
A Hard Look at the Conditions that Prevailed in the Early 80s. Why FoW was Launched!
FoW Does a Backgrounder for Newport City Council Candidates with Photos of Problems.
The Very First FoW Newsletter
Friends of the Waterfront (FOW) is a grass roots 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1982 by concerned Newport citizens to insure continued public access to the Newport harbor front and shoreline. The major areas of concern at that time are with us today.
© Friends of the Waterfront 2023
FOW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN # 22-2570956